
Sunday, December 14, 2014


     At last I got a proper internet set up at this new place and opened my blog after several days expecting some comments on my works. Unfortunately I was struck with a great disappointment. Guess My recent works were annoying.
     Thou it may be annoying, the only place I find peace is with my crafts and I use this blog to preserve it to my self for my old age when I would like to review my works and see what I have actually achieved. Hence no comments or views has not really affected me, and I am moving on.

    Next to my beautiful mother and brother, I missed quilling the most in this place, and here's my little vehicle that I made to decorate my kitchen Microwave table.

Also adding the images of the basket that i successfully weaved correctly after several tries and my husband is all smiles seeing it.

Please follow me and post in your valuable comments that would add an extra smile.

Hugs, Jeba


  1. Amazing Work... Hats off for your Innovative thinking..!!! God Bless You...

    1. Thank you ma. God bless you too.
      Thanks for stopping by my blog.. :) ve a good day

  2. WOW..both basket and little cute cycle r amazing...that roses r eye catching...excellent and have a great day...............

    1. Thanks a bunch for stopping by my blog Anu.. You too have a great day
